Maths Before Numbers

Brand new series in Teach Me Too

Pre-number teaching for little learners with Down’s syndrome and other learning needs

Learn more and get access

  • Presenter Hollie is in the centre of the screen with four circles around her, each with a coloured outline, green, red, blue, and yellow. Images of objects appear and are categorised into their matching colour circles.

    Categorising, Shapes, and Colours

    Developing understanding of real-life comparisons and categories: big/little, heavy/light, fast/slow, hot/cold, and more.

    Exploring basic shapes: circle, square, triangle.

    Primary colours and green.

    Bringing these concepts into daily life.

  • Trina, specialist teacher, places cards with Widgit symbols for colours on a blue curved table where two young children, Jenny and Rupert, are sat.

    Brand New Content

    Teaching key pre-numbers skills from the early years curriculum with the support of the Maths for Life project and 21 Together.

    Using award-winning maths teaching, lived experience, and real-life modelling to demonstrate and provide specialist teaching.

    Access alongside the rest of the project: 5 series, 70 videos, and even more resources.

  • Presenter Hollie is on the left of the screen with a pop up of teacher notes with description of key ways to teach colours effectively.

    Supporting at Each Step

    This new series is providing support across every element of the video:

    Makaton signing and Widgit symbols for communication support

    Modelling activities with children in real time to show teaching & behaviour strategies

    ✔ Tips on further differentiation and next steps


  • Sign up to the Teach Me Too project using this link, complete the form and create your account. You’ll then be able to access all the video and resources in this account. If you have any questions or issues with sign up, just contact us.

  • Big & Small

    Up & Down

    More & Less

    Fast & Slow

    Hot & Cold

    Heavy & Light

    Long & Short

    Full & Empty

    Same & Different




  • Mathematics


    Wider Curriculum

    Language through Play

    Exploring Language

  • Our other project is called Learning for Life, and this is based around the English primary Relationships and Sexual Health Education curriculum. We teach on a wide range of social, emotional, and physical topics of early RSHE. This project is also completely free to access: simply fill out the sign up form here, create your account and you’re ready to go.