Meet our Partners

Learn and Thrive is financially supported by grants and trusts, but without our external partners, we couldn’t do what we do.

Official Partners play a key role in the advancement of Learn and Thrive’s mission, as an integrated and collaborative part of the Learn and Thrive ecosystem. This may involve co-developing programmes, securing funding, expanding reach, or providing significant resources to support Learn and Thrive’s goals.

Referral Partners identify and connect families, educators, or support groups with Learn and Thrive’s free educational resources. They focus on promoting awareness and facilitating access for the benefit of the individuals and groups they may support.

Delivery Partners actively distribute and implement Learn and Thrive’s free educational resources. They ensure it is effectively used in schools, support groups, or community programmes, directly using the resources with the children and young people they support.

  • East Lancashire DSSG

    DS Cheshire

    Down Syndrome Oldham

    Down Right Excellent 

    21 Together 

  • 21 Together 

    DS Cheshire 

  • 21 Together

    Down’s Syndrome Association

    DS Scotland

    Inclusively Down 

    Tailfeather Dance


21 Together

Based in Kent, 21 Together is where Learn and Thrive was born. Teach Me Too was created by the team at 21 Together, and was eventually moved to be a part of the new charity, Learn and Thrive.

James, the specialist teacher across several series in Learning for Life, works at 21 Together as their Educational Lead.

They use the Learning for Life content in their S-Club for teenagers, and actively promote the Learn and Thrive content to parents and other educators.

Down’s Syndrome Association

The Down’s Syndrome Association’s resources, training and expertise have supported people who have Down’s syndrome, from birth into old age, for over 50 years.

Down’s Syndrome Scotland

Provide all-through life support, resources, information and training across Scotland for expectant and new parents, families, carers and professionals through local Family Support Teams. They deliver services for babies, children, young people and adults and have a vibrant community through 10 local parent led branches and online members Hub.

Inclusively Down

Inclusively Down are Specialist Teachers, with many years’ experience in the field of mainstream and special education, with their particular area of expertise supporting children and young people with Down syndrome. Inclusively Down aim to support schools, settings, families and professionals to further develop their knowledge and skills to establish an inclusive learning environment, which meets the individual learning needs of children and young people with Down syndrome and supports them to achieve their full potential. The team believe that every child has a right to an inclusive and outstanding education wherever they may be, which supports their emotional wellbeing, allows them to learn and prepares them for independence and living a fulfilled life.

Inclusively Down support schools, settings, professionals and families through training, consultancy and ongoing support packages. The team bring a unique perspective on how to support staff to meet their pupils’ needs, as experienced SEN and Mainstream teachers themselves, and are expert in working directly alongside whole staff teams in schools and settings. They also design and deliver an extensive range of training courses, including whole day conferences, to support professionals, parents and carers to meet the needs of children and young people with Down syndrome.

Tailfeather Dance are an online sensation with their inclusive dance videos including people with Down’s syndrome and sedentary versions of their dances.

They’ve been incredible participants in filming for our ‘How To… Be Healthy’ series, in our Learning for Life project!

Tailfeather Dance

From pre-schoolers to young adults, from teachers to key workers, police and parents, we can all make the internet a safer, better place for young explorers. We all have our part to play.

The i-vengers program has been redeveloped by expert teachers to give students with SEND, the skills and knowledge to safely navigate online environments. By the end of the year long program, children will feel confident to assess some of the risks associated with being online.


Supporting individuals with Down’s syndrome across East Lancashire.

East Lancashire Down’s Syndrome Support Group

Supporting individuals with Down’s syndrome across Oldham.

Down Syndrome Oldham

Supporting individuals with Down’s syndrome across Cheshire and the surrounding areas.

Down Syndrome Cheshire

Supporting individuals with Down’s syndrome in London.

Down Right Excellent