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Learning for Life is a project covering personal health, emotions, relationships, and appropriate behaviour. We will be releasing new material in sets of videos covering particular areas of need for our community. Keep reading to learn more.

Built to support young people in primary and secondary school and beyond, Learning for Life provides critical teaching on key areas of social and emotional development.

While many typically-developing young people will understand many of these concepts without being taught, learners with Down’s syndrome and other special educational needs may not learn so well through inference. We provide the clear-cut, specialist teaching that is so desperately needed for our learners.

From privacy and appropriate touch, through to interoception and emotional rollercoasters during puberty, Learning for Life is made to cover specific areas for the benefit of learners with Down’s syndrome and SEN.

As with everything we do here at Learn and Thrive, Learning for Life is totally free to sign up to and access, for use at home, in school, and in support groups. Check out it’s use in 21 Together, a Down’s syndrome charity operating across Kent here.

What’s in Learning for Life…

    1. Public and Private Places

    2. We All Need Privacy

    3. My Body - I Am A Girl

    4. My Body - I Am A Boy

    5. Public and Private Activities

    6. Appropriate Touch

    7. It's My Body

    8. How Do I Know You?

    9. Touch Control

    10. Personal Space

    1. Happy

    2. Sad

    3. Frightened

    4. Angry

    5. Basic Emotions - Overview

    6. Frustrated

    7. Embarrassed

    8. Worried

    9. Confused

    10. Complex Emotions - Overview

  • Caring Friendships Series Breakdown

    1. Friendship

    2. Features of Friendship

    3. Identity and Values

    4. Choosing Friends

    5. Making Friends

    6. Caring and Uncaring Friendships

    7. Repairing Friendships

    8. Ending Friendships

    9. Caring Friendships

  • Being Healthy Series Breakdown

    1. What is Being Healthy?

    2. Looking After Ourselves

    3. Who Can I Talk To?

    4. Being Active

    5. The Importance of Being Active

    6. A Healthy Daily Routine

    7. What is Healthy Eating?

    8. Why is Healthy Eating Important?

    9. Preparing Healthy Meals

    10. Being Healthy

  • How To… Be Healthy Series Breakdown

    1. Keep Fit

    2. Strength

    3. Zumba

    4. Dance

    5. Pilates

    6. Booty Barre

    7. Yoga

  • The Changing Adolescent Body Series Breakdown

    1. Growing Up & Changing

    2. Puberty & Your Body (Male)

    3. Puberty & Your Body (Female)

    4. Puberty & Your Body (Male & Female)

    5. Puberty Changes - Erections

    6. Puberty Changes - Getting a Period

    7. Puberty Changes - Emotional Rollercoaster

    8. My Changing Body - Keeping Clean

    9. My Changing Body - Hygiene Routine

    1. Your Family

    2. Different Types of Families

    3. Caring Families

    4. Committed Relationships

    5. Family Changes

    6. Sibling Behaviour

    7. Finding Help

    8. What we have learnt about families

  • Understanding Health & Prevention Series Breakdown

    1. What is Health & Prevention?

    2. Physical Illness

    3. Sun Safety

    4. The Importance of Sleep

    5. Keeping Clean & Healthy

    6. Harmful Substances

    7. Keeping Safe & Emergencies

    Supported by City Bridge Foundation, the funding arm of The City of London Corporation’s charity, Bridge House Estates (1035628)

Video content

Guided learning with a specialist teacher covering the key areas of the relationship and sex education

Student Resource Packs

Activities and resource packs to complete alongside the videos and in your own time

Training and support

Training and support through online communities and video

Hear more about the inspiration, experiences, and expertise which informed Learning for Life, with Inclusively Down.

Join our community of parents, teachers, and support workers who are saving precious time and money by using Learning for Life. Made by specialists with learners with Down’s syndrome in mind.

What people are saying:


“Motivating, meaningful and modern RSE curriculum.”

— Julian Lewis, Assistant Headteacher, Ysgol Pen Coch - Wales

“The videos are perfect to tackle these sensitive subjects.”

— Parent and SENCO

“Breaking Taboos by Providing Inclusive Sex Education for All.”

— nasen Connect magazine November 2022

“Relationships start long before sex”

— SEN Magazine Sept 2022