Get to Know Olivia
Teach Me Too ambassador Olivia is recognisable to many of our users. Her mum Donna keeps the Learn and Thrive team updated on Olivia since she started using Teach Me Too at the age of 2.
Donna and Olivia’s life story is incredible, and really shows their resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity.
“Olivia is amazing. She was walking at 20 months, she could sign a lot of words, and talk a couple of word sentences at 2.” Now age 6, Donna says she’s talking in extended sentences, like most people!
Donna received Olivia’s diagnosis of Down’s syndrome at birth.
“Her dad isn’t involved – he didn’t have any involvement after her diagnosis.”
When Olivia was only 10 months old, Donna was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her family and friends have been an incredible support system for Donna and Olivia throughout her life, but especially through these tough times.
“After double mastectomies and lots of operations, I’ve needed my family when looking after a baby, especially one which more needs… My family have always been so supportive. I lost my dad (Olivia’s grandad), but Gran, Auntie Tor, Uncle David, Ava, and Carter are so close to Olivia. So, you can see how close we are to my family.”
A challenging start to their life together didn’t hold either of them back. Donna is now married, and Olivia loves her stepdad Jeff, who she affectionately calls JJ. And Olivia is thriving, smashing barriers at every step.
“Olivia is so ambitious and has an amazing personality. She horse rides and has done some riding by herself and done some show jumps! She loves to design and perform her own dance routines, she does dancing and musical theatre classes – she adores music and one of her favourite programmes is Strictly Come Dancing. She tells me her favourite judge is Craig Revel Horwood!”
“She loves swimming. I’ve taken her swimming since she was 12 weeks old for her muscle tone and as it’s a great life skill and she loves it. She can swim nearly her 5m badge by herself with no armband or floats. She love to jump in the pool and go under the water.”
Olivia attends mainstream school and has many friends and great teachers. She uses Teach Me Too alongside her schoolwork and additional support. Donna talks of her incredible personality, attitude, and impact on their family.
“She has had such a positive impact on our family. She’s got an amazing character and personality – she is quite bossy with me but what child isn’t with their parent! I have always had a very ‘let’s do it’ attitude, so have pressed Olivia forward in her learning as I know she is capable. Olivia has this same attitude, and she is thriving and learning so well. I feel everyone has learn skills we may not have, like learning Makaton. I am also even more patient now.”
“Olivia is an asset to our family.”