It Takes a Village

How Our Community Defines Real Support

Do you feel supported by the NHS, education, or social care?

How much support comes from your friends, family, or local support group?

Well this years World Down’s Syndrome Day theme is ‘Improving Support Systems’, which in itself implies that there is work to be done here. This World Down’s Syndrome Day, we are digging in to what support means to different members of our community and how they value support.

Maya smiling at the camera, wearing dungarees and a pink checked shirt.

Maya Patil

Our first Learning for Life ambassador, has been thinking about what this year’s theme means to her…

While there are lots of ways support could be improved, Maya also wants to acknowledge how much progress there has already been, which has positively impacted her life.

“Some support and improvements needed are:

  • Support within our families and friends and people that we look up to

  • Using technology to support us, and someone to help us know about and access the technology

  • More help from teachers who know about Down Syndrome

  • Support to grow more independent, for example classes about managing money and healthy eating

  • Better information about health issues that affect us

  • It needs to be easier to get support and not just left to chance

But I’ve been able to do so many things which are making my life so much fun! I’ve signed with Zebedee Talent modelling agency, I’ve been studying for my BTec at Chickenshed and performed in their Christmas production of Pan (and am in two more coming up!). I’ve also won a trophy in my dance show! Plus I’ve been helping my Mum and Dad with their charity, Carers Worldwide.

And I’m only 19! Improving support systems will help me continue to thrive throughout my life!”

Olivia winning a dance medal.


Mum to Teach Me Too ambassador Olivia, shares her thoughts…

“Olivia is doing amazing as always,” but there’s always more support that’s needed. I would like to see more support for unpaid carers. 

“I keep Olivia’s life as “typical” as possible. She goes to lots of clubs and events and has a great fun social life which also helps with her speech, confidence and improvement in different areas of life. 

She enjoys life to the fullest and we have the best time together. She impacts my life in the most positive way.”

But looking after Olivia hasn’t always been easy, and Donna has relied on her extended family for support when she was going through cancer treatment.

“I would like to see support for unpaid carers”

Sometimes we forget just how tough caring for a child with additional needs can be, because it’s our normal. But the support for carers is a critical step in increasing how well our children can thrive.

“When looking at Olivia I focus on all the things she CAN do, and believe me there are many”

Bethan smiling with friends on the tube after a fun day out.


CEO at Learn and Thrive and mum to 16 year old Bethan…

Like Donna, Jo acknowledges that support systems need to include carers, to help them better support their child. And like Maya, she agrees that support needs to come from so many different places, in so many different ways.

“Support comes in so many forms. As a parent of a teenager with Down’s syndrome, I’ve experienced first-hand just how vital the right support network can be—not just for Bethan, but for me too.”

When Bethan was younger, I thought support meant professional services, therapists, and education plans. And yes, those things matter. But over the years, I’ve realised that some of the most powerful support comes from the people who truly get it—other parents who have walked this road, the friends who show up when things feel tough, and the incredible charities that build spaces where families and individuals feel seen, heard, and valued.

Bethan has found her own support network too. She has friends who celebrate her wins and pick her up on the tough days.

She’s building a life on her terms, and that’s what good support does—it creates independence, not dependence.

So this World Down Syndrome Day, let’s celebrate the charities, communities, and friendships that make the journey easier. And let’s keep pushing for a world where support isn’t an afterthought, but the foundation for a life filled with choice, dignity, and joy.”

How does Learn and Thrive help?

“Charities like Learn and Thrive exist because good support shouldn’t be a lottery. They create resources that empower, communities that uplift, and opportunities that wouldn’t otherwise exist. Because support isn’t just about services—it’s about connection, confidence, and knowing you’re not alone.

We can only support our wonderful children and young people if you support us! Please consider a donation this World Down’s Syndrome Day and give a child the skills to stay safe and thrive through their lives.

Learn more about our services and sign up for free.


Learning for Life… What’s Next?