Newsletter Issue 6

It’s the sixth issue of our newsletter! Don’t forget to sign up for full free access and updated relevant to your project.


Easy, Guided, Pre-cut Resources!

We’ve still got some boxes available for the Growing Up and Keeping Safe series in Learning for Life. Including:

  • Every resource required to do the activities in the entire Growing up and Keeping Safe series

  • A range of rooms, doors, and people for public and private activities - to build your own house!

  • A range of people, ready cut out to use in your house (including a lady for the toilet!)

  • Male and female body templates with additional clothes - all pre-cut so you can add the clothes on!

  • And so much more!

Find all the details and order today by visiting the shop!

Brand new content in both projects!

Maths Before Number is here!

Our first new series in Teach Me Too for…. too long! We’re so proud of this new series and how it’s turned out, so as always a big thank you to our friends at 21 Together, Maths for Life, and Matchbox Motion for helping this come to life.

Make sure you’re signed up to watch the brand new series - totally free!

Respectful Relationships - Coming Soon

As we work our way through the curriculum, we are coming to a series many members have wanted, talking more about romantic relationships and respectful relationships. This is coming soon… watch this space!

Love Learn and Thrive, my class who are all SEN know what to expect and respond really well to the resources and videos.
— Professional using Learning for Life

Sign up early to be a part of our Dragon Boat fundraiser in July 2025! Enter a team, a small group/individual, or sponsor a boat! Learn more here.


Life Skills Unfiltered

Life Skills Unfiltered is all about bringing together experts, parents, specialists, and members of the SEND community to get real about the challenges the Down's syndrome and SEND community faces. Here, we go one step further, and discuss the changes that need to be made and the support which is available, accessible, and meaningful for real life skills.

It's about empowering others to be honest and raw about the hard stuff and lift each other up by sharing the knowledge on how to face it. We are helping you feel like you're not so alone.

You can access the podcast on Spotify or watch on YouTube.

Our newest episode features Karen McGuigan, talking about maths skills and education throughout life. Watch the video here or listen on Spotify.

Down's Syndrome Association

The DSA have an upcoming webinar on Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI), and have a new cohort of meetings available for their Early Communication and Development Support Group. Click on the images below for more information!

Image of a brain with description of the Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI) webinar.

Images of young children with Down’s syndrome, with title ‘Early Communication and Development Support Group’

Having the coloured visuals/resources has helped the student to engage more and for longer.
— Denise, Professional using Teach Me Too

Our Trustees

Apply to Become a Trustee

We’re so pleased to have such an incredible team of trustees supporting our charity to grow and move forward in such a challenging industry.

Why don’t you join them? There’s so much you can bring to the table, and you’ll get the opportunity to become a part of our mission to help learners with Down’s syndrome to thrive.

Learn more and apply by visiting our Trustee Application page.


We want to say a big thank you to the Lawson Trust, who have helped to bring the upcoming Respectful Relationships series to life. It was an incredible filming experience, with our community at the forefront as presenters and main contributors to discussions in the videos. This is a very exciting step for Learn and Thrive and we are so pleased to receive funding which allows us to get our community involved in our filming.


Don’t forget to sign up - click on each button for further information about our projects.


Joining Forces for Inclusion: Learn and Thrive Partners with Down’s Syndrome Scotland