Teach Me Too is moving!
Teach Me Too has been around for a while now, and we think it deserves some love!
We’re moving Teach Me Too over to the Learn and Thrive website, and giving it a makeover. Here’s a quick run down of what’s changing, and how to keep your account, and who to contact if you’re stuck…
If you aren’t a member of either Teach Me Too or Learning for Life, you’ll need to sign up first! Choose and project and sign up to each here: Teach Me Too or Learning for Life.
Firstly, what's changing?
When you log in, you will be taken to a new member homepage, where you can access all the videos, key information about the project, and answers to FAQs.
You can still access your videos in the same way as the old Teach Me Too website, by clicking on the ‘Account’ button in the top right of the screen, and by clicking the photos for each of the series. These are now on the member homepage alongside each of the series pages.
Underneath each video which has resources, you will find a button to the resource page - here you can find every resource for each video, downloadable for free. We have removed the shop, and now Teach Me Too is entirely free!
How to keep your account
It’s simple - all you need to do is follow this link to the member area to create your new login on the Learn and Thrive site. Read the instructions on this page carefully to gain access to the resources - use the same email address as your original Teach Me Too account, and fill out the remaining information.
If you are a Learning for Life member you should click the button for Learning for Life members - again, read the instructions to follow the process.
Screenshot of the Teach Me Too member homepage, with the header navigation at the top, with an image below. On the left of the image is a young girl watching a Teach Me Too video on a TV screen, and to the right is a pink rectangle, with the Teach Me Too logo and the words ‘Welcome to your member homepage!’
Who do I get in touch with if I have issues?
You can get in touch with one of our team members by emailing contact@learnandthrive.org.uk, and we will reply as soon as we are available. We’re here to help, but we hope this process is clear for our users!
The old Teach Me Too website will still function for the next few months, at which point the website will close down. We will give warning in advance of this happening for all those still using the old website.
If you’re not signed up already, click the button below to sign up to the brand new site!
For those who have access to both projects, they will now both be available in the navigation sidebar.