Thriving Lives
Thanks for considering our Thriving Lives Partnership.
Thriving Lives is simply where Learn and Thrive reach out to other community groups and work together to ensure the best possible outcomes for our young people and young adults.
We are offering support and funding opportunities to help you bring our Learning for Life and Teach Me Too projects into your existing sessions, or set up specific sessions to deliver the content.
We have worked hard to make sure this content is suitable for your learners and covers the areas that need the most support. Now we need you to help us to reach these young people.
Benefits for your group
Young people learn the skills they need to thrive in life.
Young people get the opportunity to be part of the planning and filming of new content. Getting life and vital work skills.
Your staff/volunteers get specific support to deliver this project to your young people. Helping you pursue your objectives or charitable goals.
Once the support is finished your team have the skills and access to many more modules of content, improving the lives of young people, but also massively reducing your planning and resource preparation time. Saving you time and money. That way you can concentrate on the important stuff; the actual interactions and sessions with your young people.
You will build up initial relationships with funders that may benefit you in the future.
The funding may be used within existing sessions.
You will give the young people you support the chance to access vital learning and skills for the future at no cost to you.
Ways of working with us
Simply apply for funding to ‘buy in’ our support to run a module. We can help with funding applications, and all the money raised goes back into new content and continuing the charity’s work. You will receive a pack of all the associated resources, professionally printed and delivered straight to you. You can then choose between online support or face-to-face support to deliver the module.
Be part of the solution! You can join us in joint funding bids where we can source funds for you. You will get the support to deliver modules, but also we will work with your young people to plan and film new content. They will be part of forming the future of Learn and Thrive, decide on content plans and be active members in the filming process.
We are always open to new ideas and ways of working. So get in touch if you have other ways you would like to work with us.